Our seminars and training courses

We offer seminars for people aged between 45 and 65 to help them maintain their employability and make effective preparations for their retirement. Our  flexible offer covers the whole of French-speaking Switzerland and is perfectly suited to each sector’s specific needs. Seminars and training courses are tailored to a particular organisation (intra-company package).
Flexible !

Preparing for retirement

Anyone retiring in less than 5 years

The essential AvantAge seminar to better understand the changes that this transition brings to our lives and how to live them serenely.

Flexible !

Preparing for retirement : executives and managers

Executives and managers retiring in less than 2 years

The essential AvantAge seminar, adapted to the needs of executives and managers.

Flexible !

Financial planning for retirement

Anyone aged 45 to 55

A training course to better understand the mechanisms that determine income after retirement, as well as identify the risks and ways of influencing present and future earnings.